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Few Tips to Improve Grammar

Learning any new language is a challenging task. The first step towards learning any new is to understand its grammar rules and apply it in your spoken and written language. Learning grammar is never easy and it takes time and effort to have a good grasp over it. Most native speakers make grammatical errors while speaking and writing and find it difficult to improve. But once you have a hold over the grammar than you will always speak and write correctly. You will not have any problem in forming sentences and this is the ultimate goal of any language learner. Correct grammar ensures that you are communicating effectively and clearly.

Following are the few tips which will help you improve your grammar:

Practice exercises

There are plenty of grammar exercises available online. You can practice them for free. There is also lot of grammar material available which explains key components of grammar like nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, use of proper tenses etc. Taking up grammar exercises and quizzes on daily basis will help you improve your grammar to a great extent.

Note down the mistakes that you make and improve upon it by taking more exercises in that particular concept. Work on it for a few days.

Speak and write in English

Once you start speaking and writing in English the results of your efforts will show. Practicing grammar is not limited to exercises and quizzes but actually applying it in your daily lives.

Pay attention to grammar when you're reading or listening

When you're reading a book or a newspaper try to pay attention to the sentence structure and understand why a particular sentence is written in a particular way. Try to make sentence of the similar type. If you're not able to make then do go through the grammar concepts and understand the rules.

Identify your mistakes

This is a very important exercise. Keep notes of grammar concepts that you think are difficult for you to grasp. While practicing English grammar exercises take a note of the mistakes that you're making. Write down the sentences where you're making mistakes. Do go through the notes quite often.

Read a lot

Reading improves your vocabulary as well as English to a great extent. If you find certain sentence structure difficult, then try speaking it aloud and repeat it as many times as possible until you get it right.

Listen and read aloud

Listening is important in improving your grammar because your ears are tuned to listen to sentences that are spoken in a particular manner. In this view, it is good to even read aloud sentences from a book so that you are tuned to listen to correct grammar which in turn will make you speak error-free English.

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